Monday 8 December 2014

Email Marketing can bring effective result with right approach

Consumers in this era have become very demanding and fussy.  They need to be understood before serving with newsletters and offers. Otherwise, it takes just a moment to unsubscribe if you fail to send what they need and you end up losing a customer. Segmenting of database prevents you from this and does a lot for you.

It helps you to understand the customer’s needs and sending emails of their interest. Segmenting is not easy; you have to understand the behavior of your subscribers. You can segment the list into different categories like those who open the newsletter but never purchased, those who were near to checkout but abandoned the cart and those who have purchased etc. Send emails based on their interest and status. 
It helps you to take customer in sales cycle forward. Motivate those who open email but do not purchase, send offer to those who selected the product but did not check out etc. Your newsletter can be your faithful and fruitful messenger to take your message to the customers at cost-effective prices.

Serving every time the content they like in emails earns their trust and they become sure of getting something interesting every time which keeps the open rate accelerated because you are adding new subscribers every time with least unsubscribe rate.

This actually helps you to increases open rates and decrease unsubscribe rate which is the parameter of a successful Email Marketing Campaign led by almost all leading Email Marketing Companies in India.

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